Life and Health
Fraser Group offers a wide slate of products and services to vendors in the employee benefits industry.
Clients use our information on market size, market share and operational effectiveness to improve strategic decisions and to assess operational efficiency.
Our clients include most Canadian insurance carriers. We also serve other participants in the sector including:
- Industry associations
- Market intermediaries
- Other service providers.
Group Life and Health
Cost Structure Analysis
This benchmarking service provides industry comparisons of operating expenses recognizing the differences in the mix of client segments and lines of benefit among participants.
Unit costs are computed for three client segments:
- Small Cases
- Regular Group
- Major Accounts.
Group Universe Report
The Group Universe Report presents comprehensive, segmented statistical information on the group life and health benefits market in Canada.
Published annually, the Group Universe Report contains detailed estimates of revenue, sales and lapse rates on a consistent basis for all companies. The information is segmented by benefit, region and case size.
LTD Experience Trend Review
The LTD Experience Trend Review service provides group LTD carriers with easy access to a rigorous actuarial assessment of claims experience trends relative to established norms.
The LTD Experience Trend Review assessment includes both incidence and termination experience.
The service provides up to 10 years of experience analysis segmented by age, gender, and region (Quebec, Rest of Canada).
This initiative is a joint effort by Fraser Group and Denis Garand and Associates.
MV Trend Survey
MV Trend is a quarterly survey which tracks trend factors used in medical and dental benefit pricing.
Sources of Profit Study
This Study measures the profitability of the group benefits business for the insurance industry.
Data is collected on a gross basis before reinsurance. Results are reported using confidential codes.
Individual Life and Health
Individual Health Market
This product provides market activity statistics for the individual health insurance market segmented by region, distribution channel and age category.
This annual report provides national and regional statistics for revenue and new business activity as well as policy counts.
Travel Insurance
Travel Universe Report
This product provides market activity statistics for the travel insurance market. Revenue and policy data is segmented by region, distribution channel and age categories as well as by strategic product segments.